Trombone Requiem
- Six Trombones
- Completed: 2004; Premiered: 03 October 2004
- Unpublished – Contact the Composer
This was composed to celebrate the life of my grandmother, Sylvia L. Haynes.
I – Introit
Grant eternal rest to them, Oh Lord, Eternal rest.
Shine eternal light on them, Oh Lord, Eternal light.
Hear our prayer, Oh Lord. Hear our prayer, Oh Lord.
Bless our instruments of song, As we honor you with music.
Grant eternal rest to them, Oh Lord, Eternal rest.
II – Kyrie
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us all.
III – Dies Irae
On the Day of Wrath, When all are judged, Who will be worthy?
Merciful Lord Jesus, Grant them eternal rest.
IV – Offertory
V – Sanctus
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God of Hosts!
Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory! Lord God of Hosts!
Hosanna in the highest! Lord God of Hosts!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God of Hosts!
VI – Benedictus
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest!
Hosanna in the highest!
VII – Agnus Dei
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world.
Grant them eternal rest.
VIII – Communion
Grant eternal rest to them, Oh Lord, Eternal rest.
Shine eternal light on them, Oh Lord, Eternal light.
Hear our prayer, Oh Lord. Hear our prayer, Oh Lord.
Grant eternal rest to them, Oh Lord, Eternal rest.